Want to learn how to grow out your hair fast? Follow these 11 hair growth tips and I promise you’ll soon have your longest, strongest hair ever. For some of us growing out short hair can be anything but easy. In fact, if I could use a couple adjectives to describe my hair growth process they would be something along the lines of:
- Long
- Gruelling
- Frustrating
- Painfully Slow
I started really trying to put effort into growing my hair about 2 years ago. It was then that I realized that even though I hadn’t gotten my hair cut in years, my hair had grown a startling zero inches. Ok, I guess it’s a bit of a lie when I say it didn’t grow, all hair grows. The thing is as much as the roots were doing their part, the ends were putting up a feisty battle and the length didn’t change AT ALL. For over 2 YEARS.

My story
Being a natural blonde, my hair tends to err on the more dry, fragile, and brittle end of the spectrum. This meant even though my hair was growing, the ends were constantly breaking off. My roots were putting in the work, but as my hair grew the ends were constantly breaking off. Kind of defeats the purpose doesn’t it?
One day I finally said enough is enough, and promised myself that I would take the steps necessary to finally get my hair to grow to the length I had always dreamed of it being. With a lot of hard work and dedication (and the help of a really awesome team of hair stylists) I’ve finally managed to start growing my short hair and can proudly say I now have what’s considered “long” hair (falling beneath the shoulders).
I’m still well on my journey to getting my hair the length I want it to be. But so far I’m so happy with the results I’ve had. Since I know growing out short hair isn’t easy for everyone, I wanted to share the tips and tricks that have helped to grow out my short hair.
Hair Growth Tip 1: Get Regular Trims
The first step to growing out my short hair was to (CRINGE) start getting regular hair cuts. I know we all hear how important it is to get your hair cut every 6-8 weeks if you want it to grow. The thing is, this is something I just never believed in. How on earth would my hair grow if I kept cutting it, when it wouldn’t grow when I wasn’t cutting it?! How does that even make sense?! Well, I quickly learned that it makes a whack load of sense. As soon as I started getting my hair trimmed regularly the growth started happening. News Flash. The ends of my hair were now much healthier, less brittle, and less likely to break. All of a sudden I felt like I should have been listening to my hairdresser all along.
By the way if you’re in Toronto I’ve been getting my hair done at Salon Solis. They’ve done an amazing job at not only trimming off the bare minimum each time I visit, but also guiding me through my hair growth journey. I owe a lot of these tips and the knowledge I’m sharing to them!

Hair Growth Tip 2: Put Down the Hot Tools
Beyond getting my hair trimmed regularly, I made commitments to do everything I could to help grow my short hair fast. When it comes to committing myself to a goal, I go all in. I’m a very impatient person. I’ve always wanted long hair and I was willing to put in all the effort I could in order to get quicker results. At the suggestion of my hairdresser, I stopped using hot tools except for a blow dryer. I used to curl or straighten my hair every single day, which most certainly caused a lot of breakage. This step was incredibly hard for me. I had to learn how to like my hair more naturally. No more curls, no more stick straight do, hello natural frizz. But you know what? It was worth it. And I learned how to style my hair in more natural, no heat ways.

Hair Growth Tip 3: Reduce Washes
This step isn’t easy, but if you commit the results are beyond worth it. You have to drastically reduce how much you wash your hair every week. I went from washing my hair every second day to only 1, max 2 times a week. This meant dealing with greasy hair as I tried to “train” my hair to go longer between washes. It was worth it.
The process of training your hair to last longer between washes isn’t pretty. It involves lots of ponytails and slicked back buns but eventually you will notice a huge change in your hair’s overall healthiness. I used to only be able to wear my hair down for one day before it looked greasy and had to be put up. I can now easily go 3-4 days with my hair down before washing it. My hair is used to not being washed as often and It’s happier and healthier too. My hair is now naturally less greasy, much healthier, and takes a hell of a lot less time to do. I’ll still stretch my washes if I don’t have no plans though. On days at home I’ll slick my hair back in bun rather than wash it just to protect it even longer.
Hair Growth Tip 4: Blow-dry your hair “shake style”
This one came as a bit of a surprise for me but ended up being one of the best tips my hairdresser gave me. When blow drying your hair don’t use a brush and instead shake your hair with your hand as you are blow-drying it. This is a trick hairdressers always use and I always wondered why!
By shaking your hair, not only does your hair dry faster because you are literally shaking the water out (why do you think dogs shake themselves when they get out of water?) but you won’t have to use the blow-dryer for as long. This means your hair gets less contact with heat! By blow-drying shake style you are also no longer pulling your hair with a brush. Brushing your hair while it’s wet not only pulls on hair but will break your hair while you are drying it. This tip was massive in helping me to grow out my short hair.
Hair Growth Tip 5: Always Protect your Hair
This tip should come as no surprise but if you want to grow out your short hair you need to protect it from breakage. That means you absolutely need to protect it from heat. You should never blow-dry your hair (or use any other hot tool) without first applying a heat protectant. Heat protectants add a barrier between your hair and the styling tool. They seal in moisture and fend off frizz. Although no heat protectant will 100% protect you from the damage of heat, using one will significantly lower the damage. This results in healthier hair that’s less dried out and less prone to breakage.
Here are some of my favourite heat protectants
Hair Growth Tip 6: Use a Hair Mask
I’m sure you’ve heard a lot of buzz around hair masks, but why are these so important when you’re working on growing out your short hair? Breakage is the ultimate culprit behind not being able to grow out your hair, and breakage happens when the hair is dry and brittle. Hair masks are special treatments that have been formulated with concentrated hydrating ingredients. Hair masks are a power potion to help keeping your hair hydrated which leads to less breakage.
There are tons of great hair masks on the market but you don’t have to break the bank to use one. One of my favourite at home remedies is actually just coconut oil! I put it on my ends, throw my hair in a top knot and wear it overnight. The coconut oil will nourish and moisturize your hair just like any over the counter mask. It will leave your hair feeling so much more hydrated.

Hair Growth Tip 7: Use the Right Products
The type of products you use (shampoo, conditioner and the works) can have a huge impact on your hair. Depending on your hair type there are a slew of amazing products out there. If your focus is growing out your hair I definitely recommend focusing on using products that will help you. I’ve been using Viviscal’s Gorgeous Growth Densifying shampoo, conditioner, and elixir and it’s done absolute wonders for my hair. Not only does it leave my hair feeling super soft and with less knots (meaning less pulling when I brush it) but it’s also help to promote hair growth and thickness. Check out my full review on how Viviscal’s Gorgeous Growth line has transformed my hair and helped with my hair growth journey here.
Hair Growth Tip 8: Don’t use too many products
Have you ever noticed how easy it is for guys to grow out their short hair? Well, this is one of the reasons! Besides the fact that they don’t typically use hot tools, men tend to wash, condition, and let their hair be. They don’t put tons of products in their hair. They don’t layer their hair with hairspray. All of these products that we layer on our hair can actually make it harder for us to grow our hair. Think about it, you’re putting chemicals on your hair on a daily basis, that can’t be good for your hair! Reduce the amount of products you use and keep it to a minimum, your hair will thank you.

Hair Growth Tip 9: Lay off of the hair extensions
This tip made me sad when I first heard it, but there is truth behind the madness. Using extensions (whether clip ins, weaves, or what have you) constantly pulls on the roots of your hair and causes more breakage. I used to be a die hard extension user but thanks to the wisdom my hair-dresser gave to me I now only use them for special occasions. When I do use them I’m careful to not over do it so it’s not too heavy and doesn’t pull too much on my hair.
Hair Growth Tip 10: Stop bleaching/over-dying your hair
This should come as no surprise but if you’re working on growing out your short hair you have to be easy on it and lay off of the hair dye. Hair dye is a chemical process that dries out the hair causing it to be more brittle and more prone to breakage. If you can’t give up on your color treatments make sure your stylist focuses on only treating the roots. This will prevent the ends of your hair from getting brittle and breaking off. Whenever I get my hair color refreshed at Salon Solis my stylist does an amazing job at only treating the roots and leaving the rest of the hair so it can continue to grow.

Hair Growth Tip 11: Use Supplements
There’s a reason why hair growth supplements are such a hot commodity, they work! While a lot of people tend to lean towards using Biotin, investing in a good quality hair growth supplement will speed up your hair growth process tenfold. I’ve been using Viviscal’s Hair Nourishment system hair growth supplements and they’ve worked absolute wonders. Read more on why I use Viviscal supplements here and how they’ve kicked my hair growth into high gear here.

My hair growth now
I’ve started using hot tools again but only a couple times a week, and I’m very careful to always use a heat protectant spray. I can honestly say that in following all the tips I’ve outlined here my hair has finally started growing and is so much healthier. I’ve gotten at least a good 6-7 inches since I started, and although that might not seem a lot to most people for someone with hair that has never been long, this has been a big milestone for me.
Happy hair growing ladies! And if you ever have any questions regarding hair growth feel free to reach out, I know it’s not always the easiest journey but it will be worth it!
Want more hair-growth tips and inspiration? Check out these posts!
With love, Kirsten
Zala Hair
Tuesday 22nd of March 2022
Excellent tips Kristen! Limiting or not using heat tools can be very hard but it can make a huge difference. Also, consistency is the key when it comes to hair care! ZALA (https://www.zalahair.com/)
Kirsten Wendlandt
Wednesday 11th of May 2022
I totally agree with you there!