I feel like it was just last week that I was sitting here writing about my girls night out at the opera (check out the post here) where I got to enjoy the Canadian Opera Company’s The Abduction from the Seraglio. Although it was actually more like two months ago (time sure does fly by), somehow I found myself lucky enough again this past weekend to enjoy yet another of the Canadian Opera Company’s opening nights… only this time it was the unforgettable Anna Bolena.
The thing I love most about the opera (beyond the incredible singing – more about that later), is the drama. Ohh the DRAMA. I feel like every opera I see is like watching a soap opera mixed with a musical that take place stage (maybe that’s where soap operas get their name?). Every story is some tragic love tale that involves either someone loving another (who doesn’t love them back) so deeply they either kidnap them or kill themselves, or it’s about someone who’s in a relationship with one person but deeply in love with another (and one of them has to be a cheating scoundrel). Of course, it wouldn’t be a dramatic opera if there wasn’t murder, kidnappings, people being thrown in jail, or a good fight or two. And of course, the opera always has at least one, if not many of those (just enough to keep you on the edge of your seat).
Anna Bolena (which runs from April 28th to May 26th at the Four Seasons Centre for Performing Arts), is the story of Anne Boleyn, the second wife of Henry VIII (aka the cheating scoundrel I mentioned in the above paragraph). And the reason it’s called Anna Bolena is that the opera is in Italian (with subtitles of course!). To explain the story quickly, Henry is just one of those guys who can’t keep it in his pants and ruins relationship after relationship because of his wandering eye. His first marriage ended because he fell for our beloved Anne (played by Sondra Radvanovsky – aka the QUEEN both in title and talent). So, what did he do? He had his first marriage annulled and married Anne, who happened to still kinda be in love with this guy Percy at the time, but of course she was drawn to the glitz and glamour of becoming royalty so she married Henry (can we blame her?). Well, not long after their marriage (3 years in) good ol’ Henry once again can’t keep his pecker in his pants and starts a secret relationship with one of Anne’s ladies-in-waiting, Jane Seymour (I know – what kind of a friend does that?). Needless to say while Henry is boinking around with Jane, Anne is being the good wife she is and trying to put her feelings for Percy aside so that she can fix her marriage. Things take a dramatic turn (and I won’t share exactly what happens) but next thing you know Henry accuses Anne of screwing around on him with not one, but THREE men (one who happens to be her brother… Gross Henry. Gross). Rather than solving the issue proactively and divorcing Anne since he didn’t want her anymore anyways… Henry decides he’ll just kill all the parties involved like the mature man he is. Now he can live happily ever after with his mistress Jane (although he will probably cheat on her in another 3 years anyways).
I wasn’t kidding when I said DRAMA was I?
Now if that story alone isn’t enough to get you out to see the Canadian Opera Company’s rendition of Anna Bolena, then take my word for it that the incredible voice of Sondra Radvanovsky will be. I have never in my life heard someone with such an incredible vocal range as Sondra has. She was absolutely captivating, and both my friend Lance and I were in absolute awe of her the entire show. It wasn’t till after the show (once we’d googled her) that we realized what a true star she is in the opera world. Known as one of the leading Verdi sopranos of her generation, Sondra is an absolute SENSATION and a total treat to hear. Of course the entire cast did an absolutely beautiful job, and the show itself was spectacular, but Sondra’s voice was truly the icing on the cake. I would hands down go see this show again just to hear her sing once more… and I highly recommend you make a trip out to see the Canadian Opera Company’s Anna Bolena before May 26th; you won’t regret it. If you’ve never been to the opera before, there couldn’t be a better show than Anna Bolena to call your first… plus the Canadian Opera Company has a great program for anyone under 30: you can get tickets for just $22-$35 – just click here for more info!

The QUEEN herself – Sondra Radvanovsky as Anne Boleyn
Hope you enjoy the pictures from my afternoon out at the opening show of the Canadian Opera Company’s “Anna Bolena” <3

The dress I wore was a gift from Chicwish. I love how spring appropriate it is and it felt like the perfect dress to wear for an afternoon at the opera.

Words can’t describe how much love I have for this one.

Of course we couldn’t pass up having a glass of wine in the Henry R. Jackman lounge before the show (and we ended up there after too to meet the cast!)

I went for a natural, daytime makeup look. Thanks to my new lash extensions I can skip the eyeliner, eyeshadow and mascara and still feel pretty
Thank you so much to the Canadian Opera Company for having us, what a spectacular performance Anna Bolena was!
With love,
Tuesday 12th of June 2018
You look great, you both actually!!! love this look on you! http://sepatuholig.blogspot.com IG @grace_njio
Sweet as Fiction
Thursday 24th of May 2018
You look so lovely in that dress girl! This makes me want to visit the Canadian Opera one of these days. Thanks for the inspiration <3
Sweet as Fiction xx www.sweetasfiction.com
Velvet Blush
Wednesday 16th of May 2018
This sounds amazing, I haven't been to an Opera show yet but it is definitely on my list! x
Velvet Blush
Wednesday 16th of May 2018
This is amazing! Love your dress too.
xo, Maryam www.glamandposh.com
Tuesday 15th of May 2018
Sounds like a fantastic evening. I adore your dress, I love dressing up for an evening night out, sometimes tha'ts just as fun as going out! xx